February 8, 2025


[MUSAI] Korean Government Supports Freelancers to Overcome Covid-19 Crisis



Hello, this is Musai Studio.


In April, CSA Research carried out a survey on Covid-19 crisis to the L10n industry and shared the result.


The survey was conducted to not only the CEOs of major global LSP, but freelance linguists. According to the result, 56% of freelancers answered that overall income has decreased. It is also said that the income has decreased by 34% compared to before the corona crisis.


[Photo 1] The result of the survey on COVID-19 crisis for the L10n industry (Source: CSA Research)


Since the crisis affected all countries in the world, there was no exception for the freelancers in Korea. However, Korean government is trying to find various ways to help financially suffering people and moving fast to make measures. In terms of that, there is good news for the freelancers in Korea. Korean freelancers can receive about 1.5 million won (about 1200 USD) as an employment subsidy. According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the freelancers whose income has decreased by more than 25% compared to the average income of last year can apply for this. The application period is from June 1 to July 20.


Follow the link below to see the full article:


Photo 2] The economic relief measures for vulnerable groups affected by the Covid-19 outbreak by Korean gov’t (Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor website)


This measure is meaningful for the L10n and dubbing market in Korea. Similar to the global L10n market, many Korean translators are working as a freelance model. Besides, most of the professional voice actors in Korea are working as a freelancer as well. (If you want to know more about the voice-actor pool in Korean market, read the previous post. http://bit.ly/3cwJJNz) The volume of work for both written-language and voice-over has been decreased in Korea as well, especially in animation market.


Various efforts are being made to overcome the Corona crisis at the government level as well as individuals and companies. We are looking forward to the end of this situation and the day when we can get back to the normal work environment.


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