February 8, 2025


PS4 Sold out by SIEK’s promotion in Korea

PS4 Soldout in Korea

[Trend] Korea’s console game market

  • PS4 Sold out
    SIEK has sold PS4, PS4 PRO and PSVR packages at up to 150,000 won (150 USD) off from January 24 to February 3, 2019. It’s a condition you can buy a PS4 in 250USD.
    (Official link: https://asia.playstation.com/ko-kr/press-releases/2019/190121-ps4-promotion/)
    A large number of gamers who had been delaying their purchase tried to buy it with discounted price and it was sold out within just one or two days after the promotion.
    There was some doubt that the PS5 was going to be released, but the impact was huge. There were also many people lining up in the early morning at major offline stores.
  • What titles new PS4 users are buying?
    GameMecca, a Korean game webzine, reported what titles new PS4 users are buying. https://www.gamemeca.com/view.php?gid=1526884
    It is said that the sales of existing steady sellers (e.g. PES, Fifa, etc.) preferred rather than the major titles that have recently been released, and even the sales of used titles have increased.
  • Korea Console Game Market
    In the game industry, the Korean market is world rank #4.
    The PC market, which is traditionally a big market based on RPG games, the mobile game market has been growing steadily since five to six years ago. Console games, although certainly fall short of PC and mobile markets, included users in Korea who are in their 30s and 40s who are consistent and purchasing power, unlike mobile games that are highly volatile.
  • The concern of localization budget from Overseas Publishers
    Although the Korean market is a big market, it is a small market compared to the major countries (US, Japan, Europe, etc.) with a large console market. As a result, many major global publishers are hesitating to release their titles into the Korean market considered marketing & localization budget. In fact, some customers have had a lot of questions about this. As a nature of a console game, it has a huge number of in-game text and voice file to be localized and analyze ROI included the localization cost and marketing budget.
    • Thus, I think the publisher side needs to set up a strategy like the following items.
      * Specificity of the Korean game market.
      * Multi-platform (PC + Console)
      * Multiplayer base
      * Localization (included voice-over) :
      I didn’t include it because we are voice-over and localization provider. As you are aware, good localization is the key for successful launching into the local market. It is really helpful to appeal potential Korean user just do voice-over localization for the Korean language.


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