[MUSAI] Konsoler’s 4th Anniversary Interview and the 2020 Best Localized Video Games Award Trophy

After the outbreak of Covid-19, we are spending more time at home ever before. It made people keep away from each other, whereas the distance between games and people has become a little bit closer.
As face-to-face communication has decreased, online communication has replaced it. It became easier for us to hear the users’ feedback through a variety of communities and social media channels than before, and we can say their interest and expectation toward game localization have been significantly increased. Recently, as Musai studio gave an interview to one Korean gaming news media, we had a chance to hear more closely the support of Korean gamers.
‘Konsoler(konsoler.com)’, a Korean news site specialized in console games, conducted interviews with the people involved in the gaming industry in celebration of their 4th anniversary. The interviews included interesting stories from various companies ranging from game developers to major game publishers and distributors such as SIEK. We Musa Studio was also asked for an interview as a game localization specialist.
▶ The Special Feature, “Console, it’s getting closer” – #2 Interview of Musai Studio (Only Korean)

Even though the interview was conducted in writing because the level 4 of social distancing was applied, the interview questions were detail-oriented enough to discuss the trend of console games, especially in terms of localization industry. In the interview, Musai Studio mentioned the trend of Korean dubbed titles, which has been rapidly increasing since last year and the positive response of domestic gamers to it. Besides, in line with the phenomenon, the improved quality of voiceover and the efforts of the localization people to maintain it were pointed out.
In particular, when we answered the question regarding the story behind the Korean voiceover of <Guilty Gear: Strive>, which was released this year, it reminded us of the recording session that was full of both passion and challenges at the time. After that, it was very grateful for us to see the interview of ‘Arc System Works Asia’, talking about the same memories of <Guilty Gear: Strive>’s recording session and even felt like strong bonding with them beyond the partnership.
▶ The Special Feature, “Console, it’s getting closer” – #5 Interview of Arc System Works Asia (Only Korean)

After the interview, there were lots of comments from the Korean gamers, supporting the Korean localization – “With the Korean voiceover, I can focus 100% on gameplay rather than subtitles, which seems to help a lot in immersion”, “I’ve played <Halo 5>, <Ring Fit Adventure>, <Gears 5>, and <Cyberpunk 2077> among the titles localized by Musai Studio. I was highly satisfied with them, and as a gamer, I felt that I needed more titles with voiceover”. Furthermore, there were lots of voices supporting Musai studio as well – “We are happy with Korean localization and always support Musai!” and “Thank you Musai Studio for always taking care of Korean localization with high quality.”

User comments (Translation)
“Oh, Musai Studio! I like the interview”
“Didn’t you know that Musai Studio is a shrine for Korean game localization?”
“Thanks to Musai Studio, I was always able to enjoy great games with high-quality Korean voiceover. I do hope that more Korean dubbed games come out in the future so that I can play games without reading subtitles.”
“I think the peak of game localization is voiceover, but I understand it takes lots of cost and works. It’s nice that the Korean dubbed titles come out more these days. I wish more good games with good Korean localization continue in the future.”
“PS2 Guilty Gear was a lot of fun! I didn’t know Musai Studio has taken care of the series’ localization for a long time. I hope the voiceover for Gears 5 goes well.”
“With Korean voiceover, I could focus 100% on the screen rather than subtitles, which is a great help in immersion. I’m grateful for a more enjoyable console life thanks to the high-quality Korean voiceover.”
“I’m happy that there’s been a lot of Korean dubbed titles these days. Guilty Gear also came out with voiceover in a long time, so I was very happy. Can’t wait to see what will come with the Korean voiceover. Praise God-sai!” (Note: God-sai means combined words ‘God + Musai’. Some Korean internet users and fans use these kinds of expression to compliment celebrities, products, or companies.)
Meanwhile, there was another delightful moment for Musai studio. “Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War” was selected for the 2020 Best Localized Video Game of the Year (Hangul Of The Year), and the trophy just arrived at Musai Studio who worked on the Korean voiceover of it. It was more meaningful for us since it was the award which was selected by users’ votes. Moreover, it was a second year to win the Best Localized Video Game award with the <Call of Duty> series so that we appreciated having a chance to work on great titles.

There was a past when game localization was considered simply just a part of game services in contrast with the attention toward games and game development. As for us who have passed that time, it is much more grateful that we can communicate with gamers and listen to their support for game localization. We would like to thank ‘Konsoler’ once again for providing the opportunity to get closer with users, and Musai Studio also gives our support for the people who devote themselves to the development of console games.
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