Ruliweb, the largest online game community & webzine in Korea, posted an article about the localization of ‘Total War: Three... <Total War: Three Kingdoms> The Korean dubbing is going well with the best studios, the best directors and staff,...
Do you know the most famous console game store in Seoul? Have you heard game store 한우리 (Hanwoori)? This offline... Korean gaming online media 'THIS IS GAME' described Korean dubbing quality of 'Gwent: The Witcher Card Game' which we...
Musai is featured on Ruliweb, and high ranking with an article about the CEO Yi-Inwook, on current trends and future...
Musai's CEO "Yi In-Wook" and Sogang University create a Game Sound Lifelong Education program for students.
We were featured on the popular Korean TV show "Rising Star" with girl group "1NB", discussing the movement in the...
This is a picture of our old studio that's been doing a lot of voice-over works for over 15 years....